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BIC - DocuSign


The eSignature solution trusted by hundreds of millions of users

Why DocuSign?

Since inception in 2003, DocuSign has been on a mission to accelerate business and simplify life for companies and people around the world. It pioneered the development of e-signature technology, and DocuSign helps organisations connect and automate how they prepare, sign, act on, and manage agreements. Today, more than 1,000,000 customers and hundreds of millions of users in over 180 countries use DocuSign.

DocuSign offers solutions for:
  • Electronic Signatures (eSignatures)
  • Electronic Witnessing (eWitnessing)
  • Contract Lifecycle Management
  • Integrations into the products that you already use such as Microsoft Apps, Salesforce and many more..

DocuSign ensures the security and mobility to digitally transform businesses.

Why QBS and DocuSign?

QBS is a key strategic distributor for DocusSignin the UK, Ireland and European channel and the chosen distributor of Delinea by major UK resellers.

Delinea also chose QBS to first launch their products into the UK market, drawing on 35+ years of experience successfully delivering enterprise software solutions to customers and leveraging the capabilities of the QBS Software Delivery Platform.

Working with QBS & Delinea makes Privileged Access Management simple

Our team of in house Delinea experts, draw on their own expertise and that of the strong partnership with Delinea to ensure that we deliver the right solution for your needs in a seamless way.

  • Point 1
  • Point 2
  • Point 3
  • Your own account manager and access to DocuSign experts
  • Access to the QBS Software Delivery Platform, your gateway to 10K+ vendors

Delinea believes the opposite of complex isn’t simple – it’s seamless

Delinea’s solutions are designed to be invisible to the user while being easy to own and operate for IT and security teams. Whether in the cloud or on-premises, Delinea's solutions are readily customizable, scalable for growth, and powerful enough to secure organisations no matter where they are on their PAM journey.
Establish secure vault
Establish secure vault

Store privileged credentials in an encrypted, centralized vault.

Identify all service, application, administrator, and root accounts to curb sprawl and gain a full view of your privileged access.
Manage secrets
Manage secrets

Provision and deprovision, ensure password complexity and rotate credentials.
Increase Profitability
Increase Profitability

Set up RBAC, workflow for access requests, and approvals for third parties.
Control sessions
Control sessions

Implement session launching, proxies, monitoring, and recording.

Selling a benefit

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Find out more or speak to one of our VendorName Experts:


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