Total Access Memo


Adds rich text memorandum fields to Microsoft Access forms and reports.
Total Access Memo is a rich text editing product that works in forms and reports and that includes a CD with a full setup program, documentation, online help, sample applications and a printed user manual.

New Features include:

  • Support for Microsoft Access 2007
  • Enhanced reporting including a new function to handle control resizing on reports automatically
  • Spell checking when Microsoft Office proofing tools installed with support for eleven languages

  • Revised Runtime Redistribution Program
  • Revised Sample Database

Total Access Memo – Features

Total Access Memo is a rich text editing product that works in forms and reports and that includes a CD with a full setup program, documentation, online help, sample applications and a printed user manual.

New Features include:

  • Support for Microsoft Access 2003
  • Enhanced reporting including a new function to handle control resizing on reports automatically
  • Spell checking when Microsoft Office proofing tools installed with support for the following languages:
    • English
    • American English
    • Australian English
    • Canadian English
    • French
    • Italian
    • German
    • Spanish
    • Portuguese
    • Swedish
    • Dutch
    • Norwegian
    • Danish
    • Finnish .

Features include:

  • Rich text control for Access forms and reports: incorporate rich text with fonts, colours, bullets, formatting and hyperlinks directly in an Access Database
  • Full featured Editor: the fully functional editor can be invoked from within Access or as a standalone application
  • Complete Editing and Formatting: support for full font, colour, attributes, bullets, indents, justification, hyperlinks and complete editing capabilities
  • Programmatic Interface: all functionality is available programmatically. Use VBA code to configure the way that Memo works and interacts with an application
  • The following Properties are supported:
    • Appearance: an obsolete property kept only for compatibility with the Microsoft RTF control
    • AutoVerbMenu: determines if the control displays a right-click menu automatically
    • Backcolour: determines the background colour of the control
    • BorderStyle: an obsolete property kept only for compatibility with the Microsoft RTF control
    • BulletIndent: sets the default indentation for bulleted paragraphs
    • DataChanged: indicates if the data in the control has changed
    • DisableNoScroll: an obsolete property kept only for compatibility with the Microsoft RTF control
    • Echo: determines if screen updating is turned on
    • EditorEnabled: determines if the editor can be launched from the control
    • EditorTitle: sets the title that appears in the editor
    • Enabled: determines if the user can manipulate the control
    • FileName: specifies the file loaded into the control at design time
    • FixedRightMargin: sets the right margin in the editor to the width of the control in the form
    • Font: sets the default font used in the control
    • Forecolour: sets the default font colour used in the control
    • HeightOfText: returns the height of the text in the control
    • HideSelection: determines if the selection is hidden when the control loses focus
    • Hyperlinks: returns or sets a value indicating if hyperlinks are enabled
    • HWnd: returns the handle to the control window
    • Locked: determines if the control is locked from user input
    • MaxLength: sets the maximum length of the text (in characters) that can be entered into the control
    • MouseIcon: returns or sets a custom mouse icon
    • MousePointer: determines the mouse pointer used in the control
    • MultiLine: determines if the control supports more that one line of text
    • OLEObjects: exposes a collection of OLEObject objects
    • RichEditVer: returns the version of RichEdit
    • RightMargin: determines the right margin
    • ScrollBars: determines the scroll bar style
    • SelAlignment: determines the alignment of the currently selected text
    • SelBold: determines if the current selection is bold
    • SelBullet: determines if the current selection is bulleted
    • SelCharOffset: determines the text offset from the baseline
    • Selcolour: determines the foreground colour of the currently selected text
    • SelectionBar: determines the selection of lines at the right of the control
    • SelFontCharSet: returns or sets the character set of the current selection
    • SelFontName: sets the font name of the current selection
    • SelFontSize: sets the font size of the current selection
    • SelHangingIndent: sets the size of the hanging indent of the current selection
    • SelHyperlink: determines if the text specifies a hyperlink
    • SelIndent: sets the indent (first line indent)
    • SelItalic: determines if the current selection is Italic
    • SelLength: determines the length of the current selection
    • SelRightIndent: sets the right margin indent of the current selection
    • SelStart: sets the character position of the beginning of the selection
    • SelStrikeThru: determines if the current selection has a line drawn through it
    • SelTabCount: returns the tab count of the current selection
    • SelTabs: returns the SelTabs collection
    • SelText: determines the text of the current selection
    • SelUnderline: determines if the current selection is underlined
    • SelValue: determines the RTF value of the current selection
    • Text: determines the text in the entire control
    • TextDocument: exposes the TextDocument object from the control
    • Value: determines the RTF value of the entire control.

The following methods are supported:

  • AboutBox: displays an about box
  • CloseEditor: closes the editor
  • Find: finds text
  • FindReplace: finds and replaces text
  • GetCharFromPos: returns the character at the specified coordinate position
  • GetLineFromChar: returns the line number based on a character position
  • GetPosFromChar: returns the coordinate position based on a character position
  • LoadFile: loads the contents of a file into the control
  • OpenEditor: opens the editor
  • Refresh: forces the control to repaint
  • SaveFile: saves the contents of the rich text control to a file
  • SelPrint: prints the current selection.

The following events are supported:

  • Change: fired when the contents of the control change
  • Click: fired when the control is clicked
  • DblClick: fired when the control is double clicked
  • EditorClose: fired when the editor closes
  • EditorOpen: fired when the editor opens
  • KeyDown: fired when a key is pressed down
  • KeyPress: fired when a key is pressed
  • KeyUp: fired when a key is released
  • Link: fired when a hyperlink is clicked
  • MouseDown: fired when the mouse is pressed down
  • MouseMove: fired when the mouse is moved
  • MouseUp: fired when the mouse is released
  • SelChange: fired when the selection changes.

Total Access Memo – System Requirements

  • Microsoft Windows 98, NT, 2000 or XP
  • Microsoft Access 2000 9.0, 2002 10.0) or 2003 11.0
  • Pentium processor or better
  • 32 MB RAM (64 MB recommended)
  • 10 MB of available hard disk space.