

A visual outline for writers enabling them to create, structure and organise ideas in a timeline format
StoryView provides a visual outline for writers enabling them to create, structure and organise ideas in a timeline format.

Features include:

  • Outline window
  • Importing of Movie Magic Screenwriter and Microsoft Word RTF documents
  • Duration estimation
  • Tutorials, templates and example files
  • Hide or show any event type, level if hierarchy
  • Create multiple outlines within one document
  • Apply fonts, styles and attributes to multiple fonts
  • Time constraints
  • Outline reports
  • Print events from the outline window.

Storyview – Features

StoryView provides a visual outline for writers enabling them to create, structure and organise ideas in a timeline format.

Features include:

  • Outline Window: create events and write using the word processing/outliner interface
  • Import Movie Magic Screenwriter and Microsoft Word RTF Documents: import existing Microsoft Word or Screenwriter files and Final Draft files saved in RTF format
  • Estimation Duration: sets the duration of events based on the length of the text showing relative sizes in the Timeline View
  • Tutorials, Templates and Example Files: Outlining and Screenwriting tutorials, templates for Outlining and Brainstorming and a downloadable Lord of the Rings trilogy example file
  • Hide and Show any Event Type, Level or Hierarchy: view specific event types
  • Create Multiple Outlines Within a Document: for creating different scenarios
  • Apply Fonts, Styles and Attributes to Multiple FOonts: select multiple events and set the font or style
  • Time Constraints: prevents unwanted gaps from occurring in the timeline
  • Collapse and Expand Event Children: view all sub topics or the main topic
  • Summarise Text: reduce the title and/or content of events to a single line
  • Hide or Show Specific Event Title or Content Area: customise the view of a particular event or group of events
  • Split Events Into Multiple Topics: create an event with existing text in one keystroke
  • Split paragraphs Into Multiple Events: import a document or existing outline and split it into separate events
  • Merge Multiple Events: into a single topic
  • Event Duration For Titles: display the duration of the event in the title to view the duration of the event while in the Outline window
  • Timeline Window: timeline view of story. Zoom out to see the entire story
  • Write in Script Format: write a script in StoryView and export it to Movie Magic Screenwriter in script format
  • Track Concepts: track where an idea, character or plot point etc, occurs in a story
  • Unlimited Writing Space: write an unlimited amount for each topic or scene
  • Scale Tool: scale the Timeline
  • Set The Starting Number For Events: create a calendar-based timeline
  • Adjust Hierarchy Positions: re-arrange hierarchies after creation
  • Control Vertical Titles: specify whether titles are Always, Never or Automatic
  • Double-clicking Events: performs the centre and edit function
  • Headers and Footers: provide headers and footers for the timeline and outline reports
  • Switch to Report Options: from print preview and vice-versa.

Storyview – System Requirements

  • Microsoft Windows 95, 98, Me, 2000, NT or XP
  • 133 MHz processor (200 MHz recommended)
  • 32 MB RAM
  • 20 MB available hard disk space
  • 800 x 600 (SVGA) or greater screen resolution
  • CD-ROM drive.