PowerShell HelpWriter
PowerShell HelpWriter is the premier editor for Windows PowerShell XML help files. Create and edit help files for all command types, including cmdlets, functions, workflows, and CIM commands. Focus on your content and let PowerShell HelpWriter worry about the XML.
PowerShell HelpWriter analyzes your module and generates starter help files that match the cmdlet code and converts existing comment-based help.
Exports your PowerShell help to HTML or markdown at the press of a button.
Write help for a module before the code is written as a code specification. Once the help is written, use PowerShell Studios New Module from Help File feature to automatically generate the modules code.
Key Features:
- Complete Help Editor UI: Features a dynamic editor that guides you through the process of writing complete and accurate help topics for all of your commands.
- Generate help files from modules: No need to start from scratch. PowerShell HelpWriter analyzes your module and generates starter help files that match the cmdlet code.
- Manage module help files: Use a module project to manage and edit multiple help-xml and about help files. Refresh the modules help content with a press of a button.
- Real-time Spell Checking: PowerShell HelpWriter provides real-time spell checking as you write.
- Help Matches the Code: PowerShell HelpWriter generates starter help topics from the code in any command of any type, including individual commands and commands in a module. No need to figure out the cmdlet attribute or parameter attribute values, inputs or outputs. And, the help always matches the code.
- Edit in XML: Whenever you need it, you can view or edit the help file in the built-in XML editor. The PowerShell HelpWriter XML editor is a complete XML editornot just a read-only viewer.
- Edit existing help files: Edit existing help files in the PowerShell Help Writer editor UI or as XML. Add or delete parameters, including dynamic parameters.
- Create help files from scratch: Use the PowerShell HelpWriter editor to create help from scratch for new or existing modules.
- Convert comment-based help to PSMAML: Generates starter help from existing help in your new PSMAML files, including comment-based help for functions.
- Markdown and HTML Export: Export cmdlet help and about topics to markdown or HTML.
- Design before coding: Write help for a module before the code is written as a code specification. Once the help is written, use PowerShell Studios New Module from Help File feature to automatically generate the modules code.
- Validate PSMAML Files: All help files conform to the PSMAML schema for Windows PowerShell help files. Use the Validate Help Schema feature to validate any file. PowerShell HelpWriter will autocorrect common structural issues in order to comply with the MAML help schema.