Chant Developer Workbench
Chant Developer Workbench is comprised of tools and component libraries for developing software that speaks and listens. It provides a development and testing environment to work with component libraries and the speech technology objects they manage.
Chant Developer Workbench is comprised of essential tools and class libraries for developing software that speaks, listens, and interacts with users. It provides an IDE for developing and interactively testing speech and natural user interface technologies. You can manage conversations, grammars, movement, profiles, lexicons, speech, and text-to-speech markup directly within application software you develop and deploy.
Key Features:
- Design Grammars with GrammarKit:
- Create and edit grammars in native grammar syntax
- Generate word pronunciation phonemes
- Edit word pronunciation phonemes (requires LexiconKit)
- Compile and debug grammars
- Test grammars with live and recorded audio, and text simulation (requires SpeechKit)
- Track Movement with Kinesics
- Enumerate Microsoft Kinect sensors
- Render and analyse color, depth and skeleton data
- Trace sensor events
- Test application movement tracking functions
- Tailor Pronounciation with LexiconKit:
- Create and edit W3C lexicons (.pls), create and edit Cepstral lexicon file (.txt), create and edit Nuance Vocaliser and VoCon user dictionary text file (.dct)
- Create, edit, export, and delete SAPI 5 user and application lexicons
- Generate word pronunciation phonemes and edit word pronunciation phonemes
- Administer Speaker Profiles with ProfileKit:
- Create and delete speaker profiles
- Enumerate speaker profiles
- Invoke recogniser built-in speaker training
- Design and test custom speaker training
- Recognise and Synthesise Speech with SpeechKit:
- Enumerate audio devices and speech engines for selection and command line testing of audio-, recogniser-, and synthesiser-specific features
- Trace audio, recognition and synthesis events
- Support grammar activation and testing (requires GrammarKit) and support TTS markup playback (requires VoiceMarkupKit)
- Fine-Tune Speech Synthesiswith VoiceMarkupKit:
- Create and edit documents with TTS markup
- Generate TTS markup and generate word pronunciation phonemes
- Edit word pronunciation phonemes (requires LexiconKit)
- Playback text with TTS markup (requires SpeechKit)
- Enrich Conversations with VoiceXMLKit
- Create and edit VoiceXML documents
- Test VoiceXML documents with microphone audio and keypad data
- Trace runtime events
Chant Developer Workbench – Features
Chant Grammar Kit Chant Lexicon Kit Chant Profile Kit Chant VoiceMarkup Kit
Chant Developer Workbench is a tool set for developing software that speaks and listens and is comprised of tools for speech recognition grammar management, speaker profile management, speech recognition and text-to-speech lexicon management and text-to-speech markup language management.
The Chant Grammar Kit is speech recognition grammar management software for creating, modifying and testing context-free grammars before they are integrated and deployd with applications.
Features include:
- Maximise speech recognition accuracy
- Enhance recogniser effectiveness for specific combinations of spoken words and phrases
- Design, fine-tune and test grammars without modifying applications or writing custom software
- XML expertise is not required
- Construct and edit grammars with the Chant What You See Is What You Say (WYSIWYS) design environment
- Modify and test grammars without coding XML.
- View and edit XML at any time
- Copy and re-use rules across grammars
- Edit multiple grammars within the same environment.
The Chant lexicon Kit is lexicon management software for creating, deleting, modifying extending, backing up and restoring user and application lexicons.
Features include:
- Maximise speech recognition accuracy
- Generate pronunciation information associated with words to ensure maximum recognition accuracy
- Create custom lexicons to facilitate the recognition of dialects, speaking patterns and accents
- Tailor and enhance TTS playback quality
- Generate pronunciation information associated with words to enhance text-to-speech playback quality
- Create custom lexicons that are tailored to produce sounds in familiar dialects, speaking patterns and accents
- Deploy lexicons with applications
- Backup lexicons for distribution with applications
- Backup and restore lexicons to prepare for system or disk failure.
The Chant Profile Kit is speech recognition profile management software for creating, deleting, modifying, training, backing up and restoing profiles.
Features include:
- Maximise speech recognition accuracy
- Execute speech recognition training facilities that capture speaking patterns
- Create default profiles for various end-user demographics (child, adult, male and female)
- Share profiles among systems
- Complete training once and then copy the profile to other systems
- Eliminate the need for training profiles on each system
- Deploy profiles with applications
- Backup profiles for distribution with applications
- Backup and restore profiles to prepare for system or disk failure.
The Chant VoiceMarkup Kit is text-to-speech (TTS) markup language management software for creating, modifying and testing TTS markup to enhance the playback quality when synthesizing.
Features include:
- Tailor and enhance TTS playback quality
- Produce sounds in familiar dialects, speaking patterns and accents
- Design, fine-tune and test TTS markup without modifying applications or writing custom software
- XML expertise is not required
- Mark up text with the Chant What You See Is What You Hear (WYSIWYH) design environment
- View and edit XML at any time
- Copy and re-use text-to-speech markup across TTS grammars
- Edit multiple TTS grammars within the same environment.
Chant Developer Workbench – System Requirements
- Microsoft Windows XP, 2000, NT, Me or 98
- Intel processor or equivalent,
- Microsoft SAPI 5 or SAPI 5.1
- 16 MB RAM (32 MB recommended)
- 24 MB of hard drive space (additional space required for grammar, lexicon, profile and TTS markup files)
- CD-ROM drive
- VGA or higher resolution monitor
- Sound card (Full-duplex sound card from the PC 99 list recommended)
- Close-talk microphone for speech recognition.