Actipro WPF Studio
Suite of professional user interface controls and components for Microsoft Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) including one year of free updates.
WPF Studio is contains all of our individual WPF control products, along with free upgrades and any new products added to WPF Studio for a year.
Key Features
- Bar Code: Vector-based 2D and linear bar code generation
- Charts: Visualise complex data with stunning charts
- DataGrid: Enhancements, editors integration, and themes for the MS WPF DataGrid
- Docking & MDI: A complete docking tool window and multiple document interface solution
- Editors: Part-based & masked edit controls, with advanced date/time picker
- Gauge: A complete set of circular, linear, and digital gauge controls
- Micro Charts: Small charts, also called sparklines, designed to visualise complex data
- Navigation: Navigation bar, explorer bar, breadcrumb, and zoom controls
- PropertyGrid: An advanced property grid control with enormous customisibility options
- Ribbon: Easily add an Office-like user interface that meets all Microsoft specifications
- SyntaxEditor: A syntax-highlighting code editor control and parsing suite
- Themes: Professionally-designed themes for your whole application
- Views: Unique WPF controls and panels that support fluid animated item layout
- Wizard: Everything you need to quickly create wizard dialogs
- Shared Library: A set of common controls and useful components for WPF applications