A cross-platform IDE for?C and?C++.
CLion is a fully integrated C/C++ development environment. It will enhance your productivity with a smart editor, code quality assurance, automated refactorings and deep integration with the CMake build system.
CLion – Features
Key Features:
- NEW: Added C++14, C++17 support
- NEW: improve CLion’s parser and code analysis
- NEW: CLion now locates the precompiled headers and headers included via -include option, in order to correctly resolve symbols from such files and correctly highlight the code, navigate through it, perform code refactorings, etc.
- NEW: While debugging with GDB, you can now step into disassembly code when the sources are not available.
- NEW: Catch is a cross-platform unit testing framework for C++ known for its easy starting process and convenient and flexible test cases. Now you can use Catch with CLion and benefit from completion and the built-in test runner.
- NEW: Experimental support for the Microsoft Visual C++ compiler is here.
- NEW: VCS Log Viewer new options include ability to use regular expressions and ability to match / ignore case
- NEW: Several important enhancements were added to the Swift plugin for CLion
- Smart editor: With an IDE that analyses the context and understands your project, you can code faster than you think.
- Code generation & refactorings: Save time on unnecessary typing while CLion generates code for you: from getters/setters to more complicated templates. Use refactorings to improve and clean up your code at the speed of thought.
- On-the-fly code analysis: Write beautiful and correct code with CLion. Static analysis (including DFA) for all supported languages highlights warnings and errors in the code immediately as you type and suggests quick-fixes.
- Editor customisation: Select one of the default editor themes or customise them to match your personal preferences. Adopt the keyboard-centric approach and select a keymap you prefer the most, or create your own easily.
- Run and debug your projects in CLion easily. Use the debugger UI with GDB or LLDB (on OS X) as a backend. CLion will show values right in the editor and help you evaluate expressions.
- CMake support: CMake is a famous cross-platform build system, widely used for C and C++ projects. Benefit from the CLions smart CMake support with code generation and automatic reload.
- Unit testing: CLion supports the Google Test framework and provides a built-in test runner together with a powerful UI to investigate test results.
- Code documentation: With CLion keep your code documented with ease. Preview the Doxygen-styled docs in the Quick Documentation pop-up, use completion for commands and function parameters and generate stubs for Doxygen comments.
- VCS integration and local history: CLion provides a unified interface for most popular VCS including Subversion, Git, GitHub, Mercurial, CVS, Perforce and TFS. Meanwhile, local history will save you from unexpected accidents.
- Access the command line through the built-in terminal, switch on Vim-emulation mode together with the Vim key bindings, or expand the IDEs functionality with other various plugins.
- While CLion is designed for developing in C and C++, it also provides essential support for CMake language, many web technologies (like JavaScript, XML, HTML and others), YAML and others, available via bundled or repository plugins.
CLion – System Requirements
Hardware requirements
- 2 GB free RAM
- 1024×768 minimum screen resolution
- Windows 7.0 x64, 8.* x64
- Cygwin x64 with installed packages: GCC/G++, make, gdb 7.8+
MinGW with installed packages: GCC/G++ and make
Visual Studio 2013, 2015 or 2017 and NMake with C++ support.
- macOS 10.9.4+
- GCC/G++ or Clang
- OS Linux 64 bit
- KDE, GNOME or Unity DE desktop
- GCC/G++ or Clang