Altova FlowForce Server
FlowForce Server automates data transformations, report and document generation, and other tasks on dedicated servers, virtual machines, or workstations scaled for the scope of the project.
FlowForce Server automates data transformation, report and document generation and other tasks on dedicated servers, virtual machines or workstations scaled for the scope of the project. Jobs are triggered by date and time, detection of new input data or by HTTP command. FlowForce Server empowers data architects, analysts and other IT professionals to efficiently complete enterprise-level data integration tasks.
Key Benefits:
- Automates RaptorXML / RaptorXML+XBRL for XML, XSLT, XBRL and JSON processing
- Automates execution of MapForce Server to perform data transformations
- Automates execution of StyleVision Server to render reports, documents ande-forms
- Schedules, triggers andautomates any job on the server
- Activates job execution by time, file or remote triggers
- Supports flow control with loops, conditions, result evaluation, and error handling
- Access control via roles, permissions andprivileges
- Configurable email notification for job steps or errors
- Detailed execution logging
- Intuitive Web interface to manage all server activities
- File system access and FTP read and write support
Altova FlowForce Server – Features
Key Features:
- Triggers: FlowForce Server supports definition and execution of triggers to start data transformation jobs based on various criteria including time triggers for one-time or repetitive execution, file triggers to start a job when a specific file changes or when a new file is created in a hot folder or remote triggers that poll for changes on an HTTP server
- Security: FlowForce Server includes security features to allow multiple departments within an enterprise to share a physical server without compromising data integrity. This promotes efficient use of todays multi-processor servers and workstations through automated resource allocation for peak loads and centralised system configuration and management
- Web Interface: Administrators and users can manage and monitor FlowForce Server locally or remotely via an intuitive Web interface displayed in any Web browser on any workstation on the network
- FlowForce Server and RaptorXML Server: Altova RaptorXML Server is a high-performance XML and XBRL server optimised for today’s multi-CPU, multi-core computers and servers. RaptorXML Server and RaptorXML+XBRL Server can be defined as FlowForce Server job steps to validate XML, perform XQuery and XSLT operations and validate XBRL instance documents and XBRL taxonomies. A FlowForce Server job can combine RaptorXML Server functions with MapForce Server data mappings, StyleVision Server report generation and built-in file system operations to create a complete automated, high-performance solution for data transformation and reporting for XML, XBRL, database, flat file, EDI, Excel and Web Service data sources
- FlowForce Server and MapForce Server: Altova MapForce Server is based on the built-in data transformation engine developed for MapForce and performs data transformations for any combination of XML, database, EDI, XBRL, flat file, Excel, JSON and/or Web service using preprocessed and optimised data mappings stored in MapForce Server Execution files. When MapForce Server operates under the management of FlowForce Server, data mappings can be executed as FlowForce Server job steps. Parameters defined in the FlowForce Server job allow users to specify runtime input and output filenames or query databases as required by the mapping
- FlowForce Server and StyleVision Server: Altova StyleVision Server is based on the built-in report and document generation engine developed for StyleVision. StyleVision Server renders XML and/or XBRL data into HTML, RTF, PDF or Microsoft Word files based on StyleVision stylesheets. A StyleVision stylesheet can be deployed to Altova FlowForce Server and executed by StyleVision Server as a FlowForce Server job step to automate business report and document generation. All required design elements are uploaded with the stylesheet and parameters defined in the FlowForce Server job allow users to specify input and output file names or generate output in multiple formats from a single input source.
Altova FlowForce Server – System Requirements
Operating Systems
- Windows: Server 2008 R2, Windows 7, 8, 10 or newer
- Linux: CentOS 6, RedHat 6, Debian 6 & Ubuntu 12.04, 15 or newer
- Mac: OS X10.8 or newer