SuperNova Enterprise
Magnifier & screen reader for remote access across Citrix & Remote Desktop Services
SuperNova Enterprise is a magnifier & screen reader for remote access across Citrix & Remote Desktop Services. Deploy itto meet the needs of all your blind and partially sighted team members. Magnification, speech, screen reader and braille display support included as well as remote access for installations via RDS and Citrix networks.
Key Features:
- 1.2 to 64 Times Magnification: SuperNova’s True Font technology looks beautifully smooth even on the largest displays. Magnify textand images from 1.2 all the way up to 64 times.
- 8 Magnifier Views: 8 magnifier views keep documents and apps in perspective.
- 24 Colour Schemes: Choose from 24 carefully designed colour schemes each designed to reduce glare and maximise your comfort while reading.
- Human Sounding Speech: SuperNova features the high quality, human sounding, Vocaliser Expressive text-to-speech synthesiser to read documents and apps out loud.
- Speak as you Type: Characters, words or both can be spoken aloud to improve confidence while writing in any text field such as a document or the Subject field of an email.
- Read from Here: Read from Here is for when users simply want to have a document or web page spoken in its entirety. Start and stop reading with a single keystroke or mouse click. As the text is spoken, the current word and line is highlighted visually – ideal for sighted trainers or users with some sight.
Screen Reader:
- Text Style Information: Text style information is announced so users can check their documents look great. Fonts, sizes, colours, bold, italic, underline, subscript and superscript changes can all be reported.
- Four Built-in Verbosity Schemes: Verbosity tells users about the types and states of over 60 kinds of control as they tab and arrow around web pages, Windows and app dialogs. Hear if checkboxes are checked.
- Monitor Markers: Monitor Markers announce changes occurring elsewhere onscreen away from the cursor.
- Over 50 literary and computer Braille translation tables included for Braille beginners, language students and computer programmers. Also includes the new Unified English Braille Code alongside traditional Grade I Uncontracted and Grade II Contracted codes.
- Over 60 Braille Displays Supported: Connect with a cable via USB or serial or go wireless with Bluetooth; SuperNova Magnifier & Screen Reader supports over 60 Braille displays from the leading Braille manufacturers.